Saturday, March 30, 2019

I'm Learning and Improving...

So I've been doing some reading to learn and improve my marketing. I may not have a budget to #work with as of yet but that's not going to slow me down because there are other ways of getting the word out besides #word of mouth which is always the best way, if you can get the right people talking about the #books lol.

Anyway, recently I learned that my cell phone is an #e-reader through Amazon. All this time, I haven't been reading e-books because I didn't have a reader and I really did all this time. It took getting a new phone and really looking at the installed apps to know what I had. So now I've been reading here and there, a little at a time as time permits.

I read one book about using Instagram and in this book it talks about the importance of hashtags. In my days and everyone older than me call it the pound sign and in the electronic world, it's supposed to help find a collection of things gathered up over the years. So I'm trying to get used to using them. In case, you didn't notice, I started using them in this #blog lol. I just hope it doesn't look weird.

From what I've read in this book on Instagram usage, I've done a lot of things already that I'm supposed to be doing to help my career along. I made my account a business one and it's public which are two things it discussed. I've been posting and replying to other posts, some more than others which is also something it brought up. I've been doing more than sharing my books so that's a good thing. Of course, I do want people to see my books too so I will have to keep that up. I just don't want to drown my account with just books. I have a life outside of #writing that I like sharing too. And that's something else the book mentioned. So the only thing I wasn't doing was those hashtags. I did go through some of my old posts and added them here and there so hopefully that helps.

Outside of writing, I've been enjoying the warm days when they arrived. Just the other day it was 85 and sunny. Boy, did I enjoy that. Spent most of the day outside. Got a little sun which is something I'm used to. The burn will eventually go away. It wasn't that bad but it was noticeable. At least to me it was. My husband and I ended up going to Texas to see our good friend in Amarillo. We spent a few days with him while having fun. Of course, I was able to write too. Then we headed to Oklahoma City to see other friends on the way home back to Indiana. That's where I am now. Not sure how long we'll be visiting OKC but that's fine. I like visiting other places and making new friends. I don't think you can have too many lol. It helps you learn and grow as a human being, and that makes you a better person I believe.

No one is perfect so if you can find a way to keep learning, you're doing a good thing and I really think there's room for everyone to grow.

So that's what's on my mind today. I just wanted to share that little tidbit. I'll come back another day and share a little more. See you soon!!


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